Equality between women and men is one of the European Union’s founding values. It goes back to 1957 when the principle of equal pay for equal work became part of the Treaty of Rome.
Promoting equality between women and men in decision making & increasing female labour market participation and equal economic independence are key priorities of the European Union’s strategic engagement for gender equality from 2016 to 2019.
From October 2010 to April 2016 the share of women on boards increased in 23 of the 28 Member States. The largest percentage point increases were recorded in Italy (+25.5 pp), France (+24.8 pp), Belgium (+16.1 pp), Germany (+14.6 pp), Slovenia (+14.1 pp), the United Kingdom (+13.7 pp) and the Netherlands (+13.2 pp). Most of the significant improvements took place in countries that have taken legislative action and/or had an intensive public debate on the issue.
When you have any questions about ( gender, age, sex, religion, disability ) discrimination at the workplace, please do not hesitate to contact me by sending an email to : marianne.eisma@mlegalattorneys.com or by calling me on 0202402478.